
Please send your suggestions for errata to Valerie Higgins (vhiggins@fnal.gov)

Page 144

The description here of the major improvements to the Main Ring magnet design in 1969 gives an incorrect impression of who was responsible for the improvements. This effort was led by Dr. Gordon Bingham, then at the National Accelerator Laboratory, with the assistance of J. H. Dorst of Lawrence Radiation Laboratory. A description of this work is contained in a Fermilab Technical Memo (fermilab-tm-0194) authored by Dr. Bingham and dated December 5, 1969. This magnet design work was acknowledged in a letter to Dr. Bingham from Robert Wilson.

Fermilab: Physics,
the Frontier and Megascience

by Lillian Hoddeson,
Adrienne W. Kolb
and Catherine Westfall


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