Central Laboratory Greening Continues

Courtyard improvements will complete Central Laboratory Cross Gallery Area
Conversion of the Central Laboratory parking areas continued this fall as Site Services proceeded with a planting and improvement program. The dust and gravel will disappear, replaced by a paved roadway and pleasant outdoor lounge facilities.
On the west side of the Central Laboratory landscaping of an irregular-shaped island in the center of the largest parking area will relieve the asphalt expanse. Among the large trees planted there were sugar maple, red maple, redbud crab, and Austrian pine. Some tall hedge buckthorn will appear. Shrubs planted include golden drop cinquefoil, bottle brush buckeye, and dwarf-winged euonymous. Another new addition in this area will be several hundred spring bulbs.
The substantial grading and soil preparation going on in the courtyard between the Central Laboratory and the Cross Gallery resulted in a major facelift for this vital area. (See drawing above.) Parking returned here, surrounded by a landscaped courtyard.
The ground immediately around the Auditorium Building was landscaped In a more formal manner with year-around-coloring plants. The Transfer Hall, Control Room, and Linac Galleries were bordered by hedgerows and grassed areas. The resulting shaded areas contain benches in the corners for employee and visitor enjoyment.
In the front of the Central Laboratory the planting of low shrubs in the shape of the Fermilab logo is clearly visible from the observation area of the 15th floor.