Soviet Sculpture Arrives at Fermilab

Sculpture "Albert Einstein" by Soviet sculptor Sidor
During a visit to the Soviet Union last fall, Dr. Robert Wilson was invited to a special ceremony at the USSR Academy of Sciences. There, Prof. G. N. Skryabin presented an abstract sculpture of Albert Einstein to him, a gift from his Soviet colleagues. Prof. Skryabin told Dr. Wilson,
"I am very pleased to join my friends in presenting you this small gift. It does not matter whether this sight of Einstein is similar to my imagination of him. I believe it will symbolize our friendship, the friendship of scientists living in different places of the world, having their own fields of study, but working together for better understanding."
The sculpture arrived at Fermilab recently. It is on display in the second floor lounge of the Central Laboratory. Expressing his appreciation for the gift. Dr. Wilson notes:
"Although abstract in character, the portrait of Albert Einstein evokes many of the characteristics of that great scientist - and if it is not immediately recognizable, well, many aspects of Einstein's theories were also somewhat arcane. As a piece of abstract sculpture it is excellent. The forms do relate very well one to another, are interesting and rhythmic and strong, and the sculpture is pleasing from all angles.
...It is an excellent tribute to the USSR - USA collaboration in physics, the only difference being that our collaboration is very real, not abstract as is the sculpture.
On the other hand, there are also hidden attributes of the collaboration that go beyond the specific scientific contributions to knowledge. As you pointed out in presenting it to me, there are the deep friendships that have been formed, there is the deeper understanding between the people of the USSR and the USA that has resulted. Science too has its aesthetic aspects that touch the humanistic values of our lives. The presentation of the sculpture celebrated and exemplified those values."