NAL Ladies Plan Luncheon at Pheasant Run April 24
This column concerns the activities of the NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION (NALWO), the purpose of which is to provide hospitality and fellowship among all women associated with the laboratory.
NALWO Executive Committee:
Honorary Chairman: Jane Wilson
Chairman: Rosemary Billinge
Vice Chairman, Newcomers: Janet Read
Vice Chairman, DUSAF: Peggy Lemon
Secretary: Lois Livingston
Treasurer: Rosemary Cole
All NALWO ladies are invited to the next function - - a Dutch Treat Luncheon to be held at Pheasant Run on April 24th at 1:00 p.m. Cost will be $3.60 per person. Reservations must be made in advance by sending check or money order by April 10th to Janet M. Read, 614 North Wheaton Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois, 60187. Your check or money order should be made payable to Janet M. Read. Pheasant Run is located approximately three miles west of Highway #59 on Highway #64 (North Avenue). Guests are to go to the Main Lodge at Pheasant Run where information will be posted giving the location of the room where the luncheon will be held.
Twenty-two NAL people spent an enjoyable evening on January 31st dining at the Farmer's Daughter in Orland Park. Both American and Continental dishes were on the menu. On March 1st a second dining event was held when Greek fare was the order of the day. The "taverna" chosen was the Greek Islands Restaurant in Chicago. Dishes served included Souvlaki, Stuffed Vine Leaves, and Mousada, prepared by Chef Filandros. The eastern atmosphere was further enhanced by the wine Ouzo and Greek folk music.
Interested persons are urged to contact Rosemary Billinge, 469-9093 with ideas for favorite restaurants.
NALWO Activity Groups:
Antique Collectors: Plans are being made for "antiquing" trips. Contact Mary Sandberg, 1416 N. Loomis, Naperville, Illinois, Phone 355-3312.
Arts and Crafts: An idea exchange and display of craft and art items will be held at the next meeting on March 26th at Tish MacLachlan's residence, 737 Forest, Geneva, Illinois. Phone 232-2273.
Bridge: More members would be a welcome addition to the two tables already formed. Next meeting will be held at Nancy Teng's, 503 North Bruner, Hinsdale, Illinois. Persons interested in beginner's bridge or couple's bridge please call the Bridge Chairman, Ruth Shoemaker, 469-7592.
Gourmet Group: Met on March 25th at 10:00 a.m., 21 Sauk Blvd., the Village.
Literature: Rosemary Billinge will conduct the next meeting which will be held April 15th, 21 Sauk Blvd., the Village at 1:00 p.m. The books to be discussed are "The English" by David Frost and "America and Americans" by John Steinbeck.
Music: Folk Songs from several countries were heard on the "Music for Fun" program on March 19th at 8:00 p.m. at the home of Natalie Nezrick, 409 McKinley Street, St. Charles, Illinois. Those attending are urged to bring musical instruments.
Nature and Sports: Plans are being made for a family outing on a Sunday afternoon in April. Those interested should contact Chairman Bonnie Hubbard, 622 Newton A venue, Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Phone 469-8037.
Sewing Group: The meeting was held at Teddy Allen's residence, 925 Michigan Street, Wheaton, Illinois on March 21st from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Anyone interested in learning more about the NALWO Activity Groups should contact Nancy Carrigan, Activities Chairman, 1703 East Illinois Street, Wheaton, Illinois 60187. Phone 653-2269.