Historical Content Note: The following material is reprinted from publications from throughout Fermilab's history. It should be read in its original historical context.

NALWO Appeals for House Furnishings

NALWO first meeting

The National Accelerator Laboratory Women's Organization held its first Fall meeting of 1969 on October 16th in the White farm on the NAL site. Shown here are the NALWO officers for the 1969-70 season. They are: first row, left to right, Mrs. Rosemary Billinge, chairman; Mrs. Lois Livingston, secretary; and Mrs. Rosemary Cole, treasurer. Standing are (left to right) Mrs. Janette Rorhrer, vice-chairman DUSAF; Mrs. Jodi Eskey, NAL activities co-ordinator, and Mrs. Janet Read, vice-chairman of new-comers. (Photo by Tony Frelo, NAL).

The National Accelerator Laboratory Women’s Organization publishes a monthly Bulletin for its members. The Bulletin is edited by Mrs. Lois Livingston and reported the following activities to members in November.

"Those of you who were able to attend the NALWO meeting on October 16 had the opportunity to see the fine old house that the Laboratory has kindly given for our use. It is located on Eola Road, and in the future any functions or group activities will take place there. However, we would like to make it as comfortable and elegant as possible and to do this we need help. There is no furniture there of any kind, so that, if any of have chairs (hard or soft), couches, tables, cabinets, rugs, cutlery, crockery, etc. that you are longing to get rid of, we would be most grateful to receive them. Don’t worry about their condition, which can always be remedied. We shall be glad of anything. Also, there will be a nursery at the house which will require children’s furniture, books and toys. Again, if you can oblige, we shall be most grateful. For those of you who, like myself, tried to get rid of all extraneous material before you moved here, perhaps you would consider a donation to NALWO, no matter how small.

Sonia Collins has kindly consented to be our House Chairman, and if you would call her or Jodi Eskey at the NAL Housing Office, we will gladly arrange to collect any items that you may wish to donate.

From the House Chairman

In order to accomplish all that the Chairman has suggested above, the House Chairman needs some help. She would like volunteers for her committee who find housekeeping more fun outside their own homes! Women with station wagons, women with paint brushes, women with sewing machines, above all, women with time and ideas will be most welcome. Call Sonia Collins, 279-2355.

From the Editor

At the meeting on October 16, there were about 35 women (and 20 children). The house and grounds had been put in very good order for us, and it proves to be a most satisfactory place to meet—or will be when we get it furnished properly. There will be activity group meetings there regularly during the winter, and probably another general gathering in the spring. Don’t forget the December 20 NAL dance.

It is becoming obvious that we need a name for our new home. White Farm is neither striking nor very appropriate. Doesn’t someone have a good idea?"

Recent activities in the NALWO Activity Groups include:


(Mary Sandberg, Chairman)

A last call for interested people. If not, the group will be suspended until next fall.

Bon Vivant

(Rosemary Billinge, Chairman)

The Piqueo, 5427 N. Clark Street, Chicago, was the rendez-vous for the dinner date geld on November 22 at 9:00 p.m. The fare was Peruvian and included over two dozen tasty dishes, accompanied by a Chilean wine, prepared by Moises Asturrizaga and his sister.


(Catherine Pehta, Chairman)

A social bridge for beginners as well as experts was held at the White Farm on November 18th.


(Marilyn Dinkel, Chairman)

Dinner party was held at the Carrigans’ on November 8th. The next activity will be a Swedish Smorgasbord, to be held at the White Farm on December 6th.

Hand Arts

(Joan Sculli, Chairman)

At the November meeting, the group made Christmas ornaments. The December session will be a candle-making project at the White Farm.


(Betty Snowdon, Chairman)

The November meeting heard a discussion on books on the USSR stemming from the trip taken by a group from the NAL this autumn. The group is seeking additional members.


(Mary Ann Ryk, Chairman)

An enthusiastic group held a sing-along in October and planned a foreign country Christmas carol session for their November meeting. All voices and instruments are welcome at these sessions, held at 8:30 p.m. in the evenings, with refreshments.


(Bonnie Hubbard, Chairman)

In January this group will climb Mount Ramsey or go skating on the pond at the Phillips farm. More ideas for outings are welcome.