NALWO is Still Going Strong
Fifteen years or so ago, NALWO was formed to provide social outlets for families of visiting scientists. At the time, people visiting the Lab from abroad relied heavily upon NALWO for social interactions, since outside alternatives were few and far between. Over the years, NALWO has changed its direction a bit and now seeks the participation of all Fermilab people.
We currently sponsor pot-luck suppers, informal coffees, coffees with arranged speakers and demonstrations, cultural outings, a mothers' co-op playgroup, and Christmas and Spring Teas at the home of Ellen Lederman. We have a representative on the Fermilab Prairie Committee, and a Village Representative who informs us of the social needs of the residents of Fermilab's Village.
We also work closely with the Guest Office in helping to meet social needs at Fermilab.
We would like to stress that Fermilab women who haven't yet attended any NALWO function would be warmly welcomed at any or all of our events. Please look for notices of upcoming events in the Guest Office Cultural Calendar every month, and in upcoming issues of FermiNews. Hope to see many new faces at our next activity!