Festival of Nations Dinner in the Soviet Union
Diners at the Fermilab cafeteria on Friday will meet aromas of borscht, zharkol, blini, as well as potato and beet salad on the Festival of Nations serving line. The servings will be adaptations of recipes brought from her homeland by Mrs. Olga Takhtamyshev the wife of Soviet physicist Georgi Takhtamyshev, an experimenter in the Fermilab Internal Target Area.
Recipes for the Soviet dishes will be available in the cafeteria on Friday or from the Guest Office, CL 1W after that. Mrs. Takhtamyshev will also be at the luncheon to answer questions about preparation of the recipes. These are dishes "everyone" makes at home, she says.
Adding to the festival air of the occasion, Polley Cosgrove and Dave Ciampa will perform Russian folk dances during the lunch hour. Polley made her dance debut in the ballet, "Sleeping Beauty," eight years ago. She has performed the vigorous, gay Russian dance style since, as a pleasant variation, she says.