NAL Users Organization Hears Construction Progress Report

Photo by Tony Frelo, NAL
The NAL Users Organization held its annual meeting at the Laboratory on April lOth and 11th, 1970. The meeting 1vas held in the newly-renovated barn on the former Kuhn residence. Approximately 300 persons attended the meeting.
In the photo above, Dr. Robert R. Wilson, NAL Director, is shown giving a progress report on construction, mentioning that it now appears possible for a beam to be accelerated in the NAL machine by mid-1971, although for this to happen, "we would need to continue to have very good luck."
In addition, he said that the prototype main ring magnets have been pulsed to the magnetic field required for 500 BeV and that it should be possible to accelerate a beam up to that energy on a limited basis and at a reduced repetition rate not long after the synchrotron is brought into operation.