Historical Content Note: The following material is reprinted from publications from throughout Fermilab's history. It should be read in its original historical context.

XVI High Energy Physics Conference brings Host of Visitors

The XVI International Conference on High Energy Physics recently held at NAL brought a host of distinguished visitors to NAL. The meetings were held in the nearly-finished auditorium and the adjoining nearly-finished two floors of the Central Laboratory, adapted with temporary accommodations for the meetings. Shown here are a few of the guests at the conference.

(L to R) Murray Gell-Mann, 1968 Nobel Laureate; W. Metz, SCIENCE Magazine; E.L. Goldwasser and Robert Sachs, Co-chairmen of the Conference; Victor Weisskopf, M.I.T., and Walter Sullivan of the New York Times, at press luncheon
Photo by Tony Frelo, NAL (1 of 4)
Maurice Goldhaber, Director of the Brookhaven National Laboratory (2 of 4)
T.D. Lee, 1957 Nobel Laureate, discussed current problems with W. Panofsky, Director of SLAC (3 of 4)
Frank Yang brought movies of recent China visit to the Conference (4 of 4)