Hawks/Holter Farm : Site 45 and Site 46 and Site 65 and Site 73
Newton Hawks was born in Massachusetts in 1819. In 1848 he settled in Winfield Township (Site 73) and married Jane Wood of Vermont in 1858. Their son, Wilbur D. Hawks, purchased 118 acres near Newton’s Wilson Road farm in 1897 and he rebuilt the existing house.
Wilbur married Emma Griffith and they had two children, Lisle and Della, who attended the Round Grove and Buelter Schools. Lisle married Margaret Walsh in 1917 and they had two children, William and Dorothy, and lived for many years with Wilbur and Emma on Wilson Road, now Site 65. Della married Robert McGary and they lived in Newton Hawks’ older home (Site 73). Don and Peg Kames (of Site 50) lived in the McGary house from 1949-53.
George Holter, son of Henry Holter and Mary Brummel, married Mary Wiesbrock, granddaughter of Johaan and Theresia Hermreck Feldott, and they lived on the farm at Feldott and Holter Roads (Sites 45 and 46). The Holters worked hard on their dairy and grain farm and their children were involved with the usual planting and harvesting of corn and soybeans, caring for livestock and household chores. George died in 1963 leaving the 150-acre estate to his three married daughters, Evelyn Holter Kramer, Catherine Holter Hawks, and Margaret Holter Roesler.
William Hawks and Catherine Holter had married on June 12, 1937. Bill enjoyed everything about farming. He and Catherine had four children, Richard Hawks, Rita Hawks Marmo, Dennis Hawks and Mary Hawks Wheeler.
The Holter’s former home was at the center of what became the Main Ring and their house was moved to 12 Sauk Circle in 1969. The Hawks family moved to Marywood in Aurora in 1967. Dennis Hawks continued farming in Kane County. The Hawks’ home was moved to 2 Sauk Circle but the barn remains on its original foundations on Wilson Road.