Jeffrey Appel
Jeffrey Appel received his undergraduate degree from Williams College in 1964 and his PhD in physics from Harvard University in 1969. He held a position at Columbia University from 1968 to 1975 before joining Fermilab in 1975. Appel was a member of the E-288 experiment, which discovered the bottom quark in 1977. He also worked on heavy quark physics at the Tagged Photon Laboratory (TPL) and on the BTeV and CDF experiments. At the TPL, he served as spokesperson of E-769 and co-spokesperson of E-791.
In addition to his scientific work, Appel was also involved in many outreach and education activities. Shortly after he came to Fermilab, he started the Bicentennial Lecture Series, a Friday night series of science and humanities talks. This series featured speakers such as Jane Goodall and Carl Sagan. Appel also served as head of the Auditorium Committee for ten years. He co-directed the first Hadron Collider Physics Summer School, initiated the first summer teacher-hiring program at Fermilab, and was a member of the Board of Trustees for Fermilab Friends of Science Education.
Appel served as head of the Computing Department and of the Physics Section. He later worked in the Program Planning Office. He retired as Assistant Director for the Program Planning Office in 2012.
Jeffrey Appel Content
- Assistant Director Jeffrey Appel retires this week — July 11, 2012

Jeffrey Appel in 1997