Historical Content Note: The following material is reprinted from publications from throughout Fermilab's history. It should be read in its original historical context.
Photos of Felicia at Work

Felicia Ferret emerging from a 300-foot long vacuum pipe at the NAL. The tiny animal wears a special harness to which is fastened a string which she pulls through the pipe. Workmen can then fasten a swab to the string which when also pulled through the pipe, cleans out unwanted construction particles (1 of 4)

Felicia Ferret investigates the boundaries of one of her latest runs, the opening in a vacuum pipe in the Meson Lab. She will draw the string held by Wally Pelczarski (designer in the Main Ring Section) through the vacuum pipe so that a swab can be attached and also pulled through, cleaning out unwanted construction particles (3 of 4)