Celebrate Dan Green’s scientific achievements at DanFest – Friday, Oct. 19

Dan Green
On Friday, Oct. 19, in One West, Fermilab will celebrate the scientific achievements of Distinguished Scientist Emeritus Dan Green. View the DanFest program, register for the event, and, if interested, register for the dinner afterward on the event’s Indico page.
The symposium will begin at 9 a.m. and consist of a day of talks centering on the science that Dan spent his research career advancing.
Dan started with experiments at the first hadron collider, the Intersecting Storage Rings at CERN, then moved to studies of baryonium at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He then came to Fermilab in the early 1980s. He was among those who initiated the DZero experiment and led the design and construction of its muon system. He also led the design of the SDC experiment at the SSC, including its unique calorimetry.
Since 1993 Dan Green has led U.S. and Fermilab participation in the CMS experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, where he served in multiple roles. He is author of many textbooks and review articles about particles physics and particle physics detectors as well as a great teacher for many young scientists.
He has always valued and supported the international character of our field and has colleagues and friends around the globe.
So celebrate with us in One West this Friday.
Dmitri Denisov is a member of the DanFest organizing committee and is a co-spokesperson of the DZero experiment.