Historical Content Note: The following material is reprinted from publications from throughout Fermilab's history. It should be read in its original historical context.
Leon M. Lederman Photo Album
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Lederman as a Columbia University graduate student in 1949, looking at a Diameter Cloud Chamber (Photo by Nevis Laboratories, Columbia University). (1 of 33)

Neutrino Collaboration at Brookhaven Laboratory in 1961. Left to right are: Steinberger*, Goulianos, Gaillard, Mistry, Danby, Allen, Lederman*, Schwartz* (*- Nobel Prize winners). (2 of 33)

Research at Brookhaven National Laboratory (Long Island, NY). Left to right are: John Tinlot (Rochester University), Rodney Cool (Rockefeller University), Mike Tannenbaum (Columbia University, grad student) and Prof. Leon Lederman. (3 of 33)

President Lyndon B. Johnson presents the National Medal of Science to Prof. Leon M. Lederman of Columbia University, December 1965. (4 of 33)

Lederman receiving the Nobel Prize for Physics from King Carl XVI Gustaf, December 10, 1988. (6 of 33)

Celebrating the presentation of the 1992 Enrico Fermi Award in the Oval Office are (left to right) Secretary of Energy Hazel O'Leary, Dr. John S. Foster, President Bill Clinton and Dr. and Mrs. Leon M. Lederman and Presidential Science Advisor John Gibbons. Missing is Dr. Harold Brown. (7 of 33)

Leon M. Lederman - knight in armor... "... your war is finished and your conquest achieved... wherefore we beseech you to return homeward... for your journey is finished with honour..." Source: Fermilab 1988 Annual Report, Photo by Ellen Lederman, September 19, 1986, Lab-Wide Party. (11 of 33)

Upon his return from a visit with His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, in the summer of 1983, Physicist Drasko Jovanovic is greeted by Fermilab Director Leon Lederman on the steps of Wilson Hall. Source: FermiNews, June 23, 1983. (14 of 33)

Children from the Fermilab Children's Center wishing Lederman a Happy 60th Birthday, July 15, 1982. (15 of 33)

The founding members of the Friends of Fermilab, March 28, 1985. Left to Right are: Lederman, Jim Ruebush (physics teacher), Marge Bardeen [seated], Stanka Jovanovic, Bob Riley (Batavia Bank president), Judy Ward [seated]. (16 of 33)

After the announcement that John Peoples, Jr. will become the third director of Fermilab, succeeding Leon Lederman, April 21, 1989. (19 of 33)