Marofske, Lee Visit Trainees at Oak Ridge
OAKRIDGE, Tenn. - The 22 young men from the Chicago metropolitan area taking part in a new training program for the National Accelerator Laboratory recently were visited by representatives of NAL and DUSAF.
Charles F. Marofske, NAL personnel manager, and Malcolm Lee, of DUSAF, visited the site of the group's training at the AEC's Y-12 plant operated by the Nuclear Division, Union Carbide Corporation in this atomic energy research and development center.
The NAL program is designed to train unemployed and underemployed minority group members to fill skilled jobs at the NAL village. The pilot program, for the first time, links the efforts of two AEC operations to train disadvantaged men. The program is being supported through an inter-agency agreement between the AEC and the U.S. Department of Labor.
Most of the youths are more than one-third through their training.