Norman F. Ramsey
In April, 1963 Norman F. Ramsey, physicist from Harvard University, presented the report of the Panel on High Energy Accelerator Physics of the General Advisory Committee to the Atomic Energy Commission and the President's Science Advisory Committee, which he chaired. This report recommended the design and construction of a 200 GeV accelerator. In 1965 Ramsey was elected a Regional Trustee of Universities Research Association, Inc. (URA), the organization given the primary contract by the Atomic Energy Commission to operate and manage the 200 GeV federal project, then called the National Accelerator Laboratory (NAL). The next year he became President of URA. Ramsey was President of URA from 1966-73, 1974-79, and 1979-81. The Auditorium was named for Ramsey on October 1, 1981. Ramsey passed away on November 5, 2011.
Norman F. Ramsey Content
- First-Hand Account — February, 2003
- In Memoriam: Norman Ramsey – Nov. 5 — November 10, 2011
- Norman F. Ramsey Photo Album

Norman F. Ramsey