E. Parke Rohrer
E. Parke Rohrer grew up in Pennsylvania. After he graduated high school, he served in the Army Air Corps for three years. He then attended New York University, College of Engineering, receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering. After graduation, he took a position with the Armstrong Cork Company of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. In 1961 he joined the firm of Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall (DMJM), domestic and international consultants in planning, architecture, engineering, systems and economics as their Far East Asia Operations Manager in Tokyo. DMJM was one of the members of the joint venture DUSAF, which was formed to design and supervise the construction of conventional facilities at the new National Accelerator Laboratory. Rohrer served as DUSAF’s project manager for the lab. He became Vice President of DMJM and later joined Brookhaven National Laboratory, from which he retired in 1994 as an assistant director. He died in 2013.
E. Parke Rohrer Content
- Parke Rohrer: DUSAF's On-Site Boss — September 1969

E. Parke Rohrer