James Sanford Joins NAL

James R. Sanford
The appointment of Dr. James R. Sanford as head of the Experimental Facilities Section at NAL was announced during the summer of 1969.
Sanford came to NAL from the Brookhaven National Laboratory, in New York, where he had served successively as assistant physicist, associate physicist and physicist since 1962.
Sanford was the first chairman of the NAL Users' Organization, Which today has nearly 1,000 members. It is composed of physicists who are interested in the development of NAL and in the possibilities of conducting research at the Laboratory when the accelerator system is completed.
Dr. Sanford received his bachelor's degree at Oberlin College, Ohio in 1955, He received his master's degree and doctorate in physics at Yale University in 1957 and 1961, respectively.
Dr. Sanford holds memberships in the American Physical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Physics, Sigma Xi and other learned societies.