Climatic Changes and the World Food and Energy Crises

Stephen H. Schneider.
Fermilab Auditorium Lecture Series Presents:
Climatic Changes and the World Food and Energy Crises
by Dr. Stephen H. Schneider
Friday, August 5, 1977 - 8:30 p.m.
Climatologist Stephen H. Schneider will be the second speaker in the 1977-78 Fermilab Science and Humanities Lecture Series. He will give a slide lecture entitled "Climatic Changes and the World Food and Energy Crises."
Dr. Schneider, 31, is a popular lecturer, active researcher and a concerned scientist.
His new book, The Genesis Strategy, deals with climate and global survival. It examines such topics as famines caused by cycles of drought and global cooling; effects of aerosols on climate; and weather as a military weapon. It also recommends a strategy to mitigate the ravages of these and other climatic problems. The book has been translated into Italian and German and is also published in paperback.
Dr. Schneider's other writings include over three dozen scientific papers, popular articles, and chapters of books. He edits Climatic Change, an interdisciplinary, international journal. Congressional committees and radio/TV interviewers have called upon him frequently to help explain climatic questions. Dr. Schneider's presentation at Fermilab will sample some of the growing public concerns regarding climate.
The Science and Humanities Lecture Series is supported in part by the Illinois Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The free lectures are intended to bring together science and the humanities in a way which shows their interrelationship and will make both more understandable.
The Fermilab Auditorium is located in the Central Laboratory Building visible from the Laboratory entrances off Kirk Road and on Batavia Road off Route 59, between Roosevelt and Butterfield Roads.
Admission to the lecture is free, but is by ticket only. Laboratory employees may obtain tickets starting at 8:30 a.m. Monday, July 11. Tickets will be available to the public beginning Monday, July 18th, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Tickets must be picked up before the night of the lecture. Please call the Guest Office of Fermilab, 840-3440, for reservations and information.