Six Years Of Progress in Affirmative Action

...Fermilab Employees who have completed the TAT program...
"It will be the policy of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory to seek the achievement of its scientific goals within a framework of equal employment opportunity and of a deep dedication to the fundamental tenets of human rights and dignity."
In 1966 Fermilab came to Illinois in the midst of an open housing controversy. Since then, with the encouragement of many forward-looking citizens in the area, more than 30 surrounding communities have voted for open housing. In the very earliest days of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, an EEO Office was started to come grips with issues of affirmative action. Its achievements have been many, including Affirmative Action in employment, business activities, educational programs, communication, housing, and women's affairs. After more than six years of this program, it was rewarding to hear Senator Percy praise the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory at the Dedication ceremony on Saturday, May 11, for the fact that the Laboratory pulled together people from all walks of life and enabled them to work together in harmony. He further stated, "It is a tribute to the developers and the workers that the equal opportunity program has been so successful."
One of the many programs for advancement of minorities is the TAT (Training and Technology) program started in 1969 for under-employed and unemployed minority group members. The program was started to train members to fill skilled jobs at Fermilab in the areas of machinists, welders, electronics technicians, draftsmen or mechanical technicians. Over 60% of the 96 employees trained are still employed by the Laboratory.
Some of the money saved in construction of the Laboratory was due to the hard work of many minority employees responding to the challenge that the project revealed through training programs, such as equipment operators.
Planning and encouraging industrial contracts has also been rewarding. Walter Sanderson Manufacturing Company was contracted to laminate the Main Ring magnets. His company is one of the fastest growing stamping shops in the metropolitan area. Solar Ray Construction, Inca Maintenance, B & H Janitorial carry sizeable yearly contracts. Gaines Construction Company, a subcontractor under DUSAF, built the unique 1.6 million dollar Fermilab Auditorium. The Wings and Angels Tree Service provided opportunities for Native Americans through its Fermilab contracts.
The EEO Office has initiated and nurtured working relationships in the city, suburbs and throughout the nation with people and institutions that are concerned with minorities and women, and has had a very intensive recruiting program.
Proud of all of these accomplishments, for which he worked so hard, is Kennard Williams who leaves the Fermilab's EEO Office on June 14 for a position at AEC's San Francisco Operations Office in Oakland, California. Williams joined the Laboratory on December 11, 1967, His ID card, number 61, is witness to the Laboratory's early concern for EEO. In looking back over the years at Fermilab, his one wish is that he has enhanced the lives of those with whom he had had much contact and urges them to seek more education, to keep pushing for more mobility, and more opportunities to see more of life. He feels that the Fermilab is their stepping stone.
In leaving his friends, Williams commented, "My one hope is that having passed through a portion of their lives, they have found an inner enrichment and courage to go on to greater achievements."