Telegram from Robert Wilson to Martin Luther King, Jr.
June 22, 1967
Telegram to:
Dr. Martin Luther King
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
334 Auburn Avenue N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia
with copy to:
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
366 East 47th Street
Chicago. Illinois
We scientists now designing the 200 BeV accelerator to be located at Weston strongly support the struggle for open housing in Illinois. Science has always progressed only through the free contribution of people of all races and creeds. This is no less true today in America, and the full success of this laboratory will depend on achieving conditions in Illinois which will allow any scientist, regardless of race or creed, to participate in this important project - a project which will contribute to a truly great intellectual and cultural heritage in Illinois. We join you in wanting to attain these great ends.
Signed: Robert Rathbun Wilson
Director, National Accelerator Laboratory