Second Arbor Day at NAL

A belated but busy Arbor Day. Here (left to right) Rene Tracy, Nancy Lupo, Jacob Zouganelis, Quentin Kerns and Bob Hodge help to plant a tree in the Village. Photo by Tony Frelo, NAL
About 150 trees were planted in the area near the entrance to the NAL Village -Sauk Boulevard and Batavia Road -- in an Arbor Day festival belatedly held Wednesday, May 6, because of inclement weather both on April 24th and May lst.
Some 100 NAL staff members took part in the planting party which met at the Curia and walked the six-block stretch to the site. Shovels and refreshments were provided for the participants, representing quite a variety of disciplines -- from theoretical physicists to secretaries.
Site Management helped to make the task of planting the trees a bit easier by machine-digging most of the holes required. The variety of trees planted included Norway Maple, Sugar Maple, Black Alder, Redbud, White Ash, Thornless Honey Locust, Black Walnut, Bird Cherry, Pin Cherry, Pin Oak and Weeping Willow. Maintenance has taken on the responsibility of periodically watering the new trees.