Paula Garrett Takes the Helm of the Fermilab Library
Paula Garrett, Fermilab' s new librarian, joins the Lab with five years of library experience at Rice University. She plans to use that experience to get the Fermilab Library "on-line."
Library automation is the first item on Paula's agenda. Plans are under way to acquire an integrated on-line library system which will run on the VAX and provide user-friendly access via terminals throughout the Lab. The objective of such a system is to enhance user access to various library records.
When the total system is up and running, some of the main features will include a public catalog containing bibliographic records of the library's book and periodical titles accessible by author, title, subject, and keyword; circulation status; records of items on order; and access to the library's records of periodicals with up-to-date information on issues received and bindery status. Easy interface with the high-energy physics databases provided by SLAC is a top priority.
Currently, the Library has access to three outside computerized systems: 1) SLAC High Energy Physics databases, 2) Dialog, a major vendor of commercial database systems, and 3) OCLC, a shared cataloguing and interlibrary loan system. Also available is Pi-Net, the Physics Information Network. For more information, contact Paula: "Library" on the VAX, or call her on ext. 3401.