September 25, 1992: Lederman Science Education Center Dedication

Fermilab director John Peoples and former directors Leon Lederman and Robert Wilson at the Lederman Science Education Center ribbon cutting ceremony in 1992. (Fermilab photograph 92-1097-4)
(You can also view the original September 25, 2014 Fermilab Today article)
Today is the 22nd anniversary of the dedication of the Lederman Science Education Center. The ceremony recognized the contributions of Fermilab's second director, Leon M. Lederman, to precollege science education, including starting the Fermilab Saturday Morning Physics program and the Illinois Math and Science Academy. Fermilab director John Peoples, Fermilab Education Program manager Marge Bardeen, Secretary of Energy James D. Watkins, and Lederman all spoke at the ceremony. You can read more about the event in two articles from the October 2, 1992 issue of FermiNews. The program from the event, John Peoples's remarks, and other materials related to the dedication ceremony are available in the Fermilab Archives.